Even in these days of radio and satellite communications, the U.S. Navy uses the international alphabet flags, numeral pennants, numeral flags, and special flags and pennants for visual signaling. These signal flags are used to communicate while maintaining radio silence. Navy Signalmen transmit messages by hoisting a flag or a series of flags on a halyard. Each side of the ship has halyards and a “flag bag”, containing a full set of signal flags. Signals unique to the Navy are used when communicating with other U.S. Navy or allied forces. When communicating with all other vessels, the International Code of Signals is used. The code/answer pennant precedes all signals in international code.
Flag | Name | Phonetic Pronunciation | Navy Meaning |
Alfa | AL-fah | I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed. | |
Bravo | BRAH-voh | I am taking in, discharging, or carrying dangerous cargo. | |
Charlie | CHAR-lee | “Yes” or “affirmative”. | |
Delta | DELL-tah | I am maneuvering with difficulty; keep clear. | |
Echo | ECK-oh | I am directing my course to starboard. | |
Foxtrot | FOKS-trot | I am disabled; communicate with me.On aircraft carriers: Flight Operations underway | |
Golf | GOLF | I require a pilot. | |
Hotel | hoh-TELL | I have a pilot on board. | |
India | IN-dee-ah | Coming alongside. | |
Juliet | JEW-lee-ett | I am on fire and have dangerous cargo; keep clear. | |
Kilo | KEY-loh | I wish to communicate with you. | |
Lima | LEE-mah | You should stop your vessel immediately. | |
Mike | MIKE | My vessel is stopped; making no way. | |
November | no-VEM-bur | No or negative. | |
Oscar | OSS-kur | Man overboard. | |
Papa | pah-PAH | All personnel return to ship; proceeding to sea (Inport). | |
Quebec | kay-BECK | Boat recall; all boats return to ship. | |
Romeo | ROH-me-oh | Preparing to replenish (At sea). Ready duty ship (Inport). | |
Sierra | see-AIR-ah | Conducting flag hoist drill. | |
Tango | TANG-go | Do not pass ahead of me. | |
Uniform | YOU-nee-form | You are running into danger. | |
Victor | VIK-tah | I require assistance. | |
Whiskey | WISS-kee | I require medical assistance. | |
Xray | ECKS-ray | Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals. | |
Yankee | YANG-kee | Ship has visual communications duty. | |
Zulu | ZOO-loo | I require a tug. | |
Code/Answer | Code or Answer | Flag that follows is from the International Code of Signals. | |
First substitute | First sub | Absence of flag officer or unit commander (Inport). | |
Second substitute | Second sub | Absence of chief of staff (Inport). | |
Third substitute | Third sub | Absence of commanding officer (Inport). | |
One | WUN | Numeral one. | |
Two | TOO | Numeral two. | |
Three | TREE | Numeral three. | |
Four | FOW-er | Numeral four. | |
Five | FIFE | Numeral five. | |
Six | SICKS | Numeral six. | |
Seven | SEV-en | Numeral seven. | |
Eight | AIT | Numeral eight. | |
Nine | NIN-er | Numeral nine. | |
Zero | ZEE-roh | Numeral zero. | |
Pennant one | PEN-ant WUN | Pennant one. | |
Pennant two | PEN-ant TOO | Pennant two. | |
Pennant three | PEN-ant TREE | Pennant three. | |
Pennant four | PEN-ant FOW-er | Pennant four. | |
Pennant five | PEN-ant FIFE | Pennant five. | |
Pennant six | PEN-ant SICKS | Pennant six. | |
Pennant seven | PEN-ant SEV-en | Pennant seven. | |
Pennant eight | PEN-ant AIT | Pennant eight. | |
Pennant Nine | PEN-ant NIN-er | Pennant nine. | |
Pennant zero | PEN-ant ZEE-roh | Pennant zero. |